Riders, Sponsors & Volunteers wanted for Pelotonia 2023
Fundraising and the value of a dollar ~ it is personal, and it should be purposeful!
Pelotonia began its pursuit to attack cancer from every angle possible in 2008 with a two-day bike ride. Since that time, there have only been 2 CEO’s that led the way; Tom Lennox 2008-2014 and Doug Ulman 2014- present. Both are cancer survivors who have personally walked the front line and understand how cancer shapes and changes lives. Whether it’s early detection initiatives, research funding, programs to attract the brightest in the field, equipment advances, enhanced treatments, trial protocols, or even their own lmmuno-Oncology Institute; Pelotonia is serving our community tirelessly raising more than $261 Million to date! Every dollar raised goes directly to their mission, no monies go towards overhead expenses.
I’m going on my 14th year riding for one goal, to end cancer! With The Cleary Company in 2020, I stepped up my commitment by creating and serving as captain of my peloton group, Team Cleary Cyclers. Riding for Chipper, was the call to action to honor my brother-in-law, Chip Greenlee. He’s the reason I ride! In just 3 years Team Cleary Cyclers has raised over $179,000! In 2023 we have recruited 17 riders ranging from 25 miles to 180 miles. Visit the Team Cleary Cyclers peloton page to see who they are!
We hope that you will consider joining us! How can you get involved? Ride, Volunteer, Fundraise, Become a Partner, Give, Shop. Visit the Pelotonia website for more information. Your commitment to partner with us will help maximize the impact of Pelotonia on raising funds for cancer research and it is humbling and know that every dollar vested will have a lasting return.
Cheers! George