Coffee & Conversation with George is back!
Are you thinking of remodeling but don’t know how or where to begin? Then Remodeling 101 is for you! This Q & A morning discussion serves the purpose of helping homeowners better understand the remodeling process. Address your project specific questions to George Cleary CR, Owner of The Cleary Company in Columbus OH. Led by George and members of his Team, Remodeling 101 is a casual conversation with professionals who have years of experience in remodeling homes in central Ohio.
Get your questions about home remodeling answered!
- What to expect during a major remodeling project?
- Do I need a permit for my remodeling project?
- Why does planning and design take so long?
- Can I live in my home during a remodel?
- How has the pandemic affected remodeling costs and timelines?
- Do you have remodeling questions but are not sure how to get started with the process?
If so, then this is the program for you! It will be a short 30-45 minutes of your morning, so join us and learn the basics of hiring a remodeler to work in your home.
Hope you can make it! – George Cleary
2023 Remodeling 101 Calendar Coming Soon!