Team Cleary Hosts Food Drive March 1st thru 31st Benefiting Mid-Ohio Food Bank
Do you know where your next meal is coming from?
According to Mid-Ohio Food Bank’s website, one in five Ohioans is food insecure. During the uncertainty of the pandemic many more families must choose between paying for housing or medical expenses and putting food on their table. Food insecurity can happen to anyone. It could be your coworker, friend or neighbor.
Since 2012 our Team has collected food and funds for those in our community who need a helping hand. This year, we are again partnering up with Mid-Ohio Foodbank and hosting a food drive at our office and design studio March 1st – 31st. Donations can be dropped off during business hours Mon-Fr 8am to 5pm. Or you can use this link to donate online!
Even without the ability to host an event to promote it, last year we collected enough donations for 750 meals. Help us double that for 2021 with a goal of 1,500 meals! For every $1 donated MOFB can distribute 4.5 meals or $9.50 worth of groceries and every pound of food donated is equal to 1 meal.
Mid-Ohio Food Bank Stats & Facts:

- Over 66 million pound of food was distributed last year
- More than 600,000 individuals receive emergency food assistance each year
- 50% of customer households have at least one working adult
- 20% own their home